Discover Albania’s beauty: breathtaking Albanian Alps, timeless stone cities, and the stunning Riviera. A personal, unforgettable adventure awaits you in the heart of the Balkans.

When To Visit Albania?

The best time to visit Albania is from April to June and September to October, when the temperature hovers around 17-23°C, making it perfect for general and outdoor activities such as exploring a city and hiking.

The peak season is from July to August, which is not a bad time to visit as there are often events happening for you to attend in Tirana and elsewhere. That said, there will be considerably more tourists around, which may not be ideal, and the heat during mid-summer months can be quite unbearable, especially if you are planning to explore the Albanian Riviera.

The low season is from November to March, which is not recommended as it can be cold in some places, and most cities and towns are pretty quiet and inactive. Plus, the Theth-Valbona hike, one of the most popular hiking trails in the country, will be closed off due to snow. So, if you are planning on doing some hikes in Albania, stick to Spring, Summer, or Autumn.

How To Get To Albania?

If you are coming from abroad, you are likely to begin your journey in Tirana. In order to get to Tirana, you will have to fly into Tirana International Airport with one of these airlines:

From the US, you can fly into Tirana via Turkish Airlines through Istanbul, KLM Airlines through Amsterdam, Alitalia Airlines through Rome, and a few other routes that go through Europe.

From within Europe, you can go with low-cost airlines like WizzAir or RyanAir to reach Tirana. If you are coming from a place that doesn’t offer a low-cost direct flight to Tirana, it might be worthwhile to travel by land to a city that does and fly from there instead of relying on expensive flights.

From Asia, the easiest way to fly to Tirana is through Istanbul via Turkish Airlines. If you want to minimize cost, you can find a way to Turkey and then, from there, you can fly with Pegasus Low-Cost Airline to Tirana. Keep in mind that you might have to change airports if you are switching from a regular carrier to a low-cost carrier in Istanbul.

To find a cheap flight to Tirana, I would recommend using Skyscanner or Expedia to look for the cheapest route and schedule so you can compare and pick the best one.

From within the Balkans, there are several international buses connecting neighboring countries like Montenegro, Kosovo, Greece (Corfu), and Macedonia to Tirana that you can take. The price varies depending on where you are coming from, but more often than not, the bus will drop you off at Tirana regional bus station where you can then either walk or take a taxi to the city center.

How To Get From Tirana Airport To The City Center?

From Tirana International Airport, the cheapest way to get to the city center is by Rinas Bus Service, which leaves from Bay 1 and is bound for Skanderbeg Square, right in the city center of Tirana.

The bus operates from 7 AM – 12 AM and costs 300 LEK, while the journey will take about 40 minutes. The bus leaves from Bay 1 in the airport’s parking lot, and you will be dropped off at Rinas Airport Bus Stop by the Shatervan Park. This is also where you will have to be if you want to get a bus back to the airport, so remember this bus stop.

How To Get Around Albania?

Albania is not a big country, which makes it a relatively easy country to travel around. You can travel from North to South all in one day without your own vehicle. Here are a few ways you can travel around Albania:

Furgons: This is one of the most popular ways for backpackers to travel around Albania. They are basically minivans that run from one city to another. They are cheap, reliable, and they go to every place I recommended here in this guide.

Furgons often depart from a designated location, such as a bus station, in big cities like Tirana or from a roundabout in smaller towns like Himara. You can also flag them down along the highway, making it a great mode of transportation for day trips.

They often have a schedule that they stick to, but sometimes, they do leave only when it is full, which means that it could either go later or earlier than the scheduled time.

The best way to plan your trip using Furgons is to ask your hostel/hotel for an updated schedule, which they often have on hand, and follow their recommendation.

Buses: On a long-distance journey, you can take a bus instead, which is more reliable in terms of time and more comfortable to travel in. For example, they often have buses running from Tirana to Shkodra and from Saranda to Tirana.

Organized Tours: There are many day trips and organized tours you can partake in Albania to make your trip a little more convenient. A tour like the Highlight of Albania tour, which will take you to Ksamil, Blue Eye, Gjirokaster, Sarande, and more all in one trip, will save you the trouble of having to travel with buses and furgons. If you have the money, an organized tour is definitely a great option for you.

Hitchhiking: Hitchhiking is a great way to travel short distances if you are looking to save costs or simply looking for a way to go to places that are not on regular bus routes.

The people in Albania are the friendliest people in the region, and you won’t find it hard at all to hitchhike around the country. Simply stand along the highway, stick your thumb out, and someone will pick you up in no time.

In general, it is pretty safe in Albania, but always take precautions when traveling. If you are uncomfortable with the situation you are in, follow your instincts and take action immediately.

How Much Money Do I Need For Albania?

Albania is one of the cheapest countries you can travel to in Europe. With the 2-week itinerary I recommend here, we can calculate roughly how much you will spend in Albania.

Accommodation: For 14 nights, you will be spending around 169 USD (18,731 LEK).

Food: A good meal in Albania costs around 500 LEK, and since most accommodations offer free breakfast, you can expect to spend 1,000 LEK a day. For 2 weeks, you will be spending around 14,000 LEK on food.

Transportation: A bus from Tirana to Berat costs 400 LEK. The price for Berat to Gjirokaster is 900 LEK, Gjirokaster to Himara is 900 LEK, Himara to Shkodra is 1500 LEK, all transfers to the Albanian Alps cost 3,400 LEK, and from Shkodra back to Tirana is 500 LEK. In total, you will be paying around 7,600 LEK for transportation.

Activities: Depending on what you want to do, you can expect to pay around 3,000 LEK for sightseeing entrance fees, museums, etc.

Is It Safe In Albania?

Albania is one of the safest countries that I have traveled to. People are extremely friendly towards tourists, and they are often excited to show how beautiful their cities are.

You might find a few beggars in Berat, and there might be one or two people who would ask you for money when they help you, but 99% of the time, they are happy to help you without expecting anything back.

Hitchhiking is also safe here, and once you stick your thumb out, it won’t take long before someone stops and picks you up. I have nothing but praise for Albania.

If you are looking to buy a local SIM card, you can buy one in Tirana. I would recommend getting the Vodafone Z package, a one-month validity SIM card with 5.5 GB of regular data, 10 GB for social network usage, 400 minutes, and SMS. It costs 1500 LEK + 100 LEK for a new SIM card, especially if you are planning to travel in Albania for more than 2 weeks.