“If you’ve traveled long enough, you know that accommodation usually takes up much, if not most, of the travel budget. That’s why, for those planning to take a wallet-friendly trip this fall, it’s important to understand which destinations offer lodging options that fit within a tight budget,” writes Maggie Canco for The Travel off Path, as proposes Albania and Kosovo. as some of the top five European destinations with the cheapest Airbnb rates right now.


Another small, landlocked country in Eastern Europe completes the top 3.

Although Kosovo doesn’t promise the same warm, beachy allure as its Mediterranean neighbors, its gorgeous mountainous terrain, lush forests, and rich cultural scene make it the perfect setting for a Summer getaway.

Since the country has been a hotbed of military conflict in the past, now everything is different and free.
The northwestern part of Kosovo is the most visited part of the country, like Peja and Rugova, Peja is also known as the City of the great outdoors.

However, as long as you stay in bigger cities like Prishtina or Peja, you are in for the trip of a lifetime. Moreover, all prices are quite reasonable, even in the most touristy areas.

Airbnbs are no exception, with an average daily rate of 49 euros (~52 US dollars).